Friday, May 20, 2011


Carson is so tough he pulls his own teeth out as soon as they get loose :D Don't look at the hair I've been trying to get him to cut it, but his uncle Collin is living through him and has him talked into never cutting it. Collin can't have long hair. I think he's a kid, let him be a kid. He's not looking for a job or going on a mission soon so if he wants it long I say let him have it long while he can. Anyway excuse my rambling. The tooth fairy was a real slacker this time it took till the third night to come maybe it's cause she has more kids now and is so tired at night that she just passes out! Carson is my oldest and I love him so much! He was the best baby, toddler, and child. He is growing up so fast he will be a teen before i know it. AAhhhhhhh! I am so excited for him grow up! I know I shouldn't say that, but i am. I hope these boys have amazing relationships with there parents and will always be good to us.

1 comment:

Kandice said...

What a tough kid!! I'm with you, if he wants to grow his hair, let him. Your boys are so cute. Love you.