Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just a few things

I am so ready for summer, and am beginning to get excited for the new baby. Mainly when Trace wont let me cuddle him anymore. I have never wondered more why I live here than this winter, I'm just ready for a long summer full of action and travels. We are going on a **cruise** in a couple of weeks and had I been three days farther along in my pregnancy I would not have been able to go so that was extremely lucky since it's already pd for and no refunds. I am very excited it will be my first cruise experience and first vacation since I was married in Hawaii. We are taking Carson and leaving Trace with Austin's sister in Spanish fork who changed her work schedule so he could stay with her she is so great!
Since we are not having an ultrasound I took one of those
intelligender tests to see what were having...............GIRL!!! Was the result they aren't 100% accurate but what have I got to lose when I had a 100% wrong ultrasound with Carson so ???? I guess we'll see. DON'T TELL AUSTIN he wants to be surprised he generally doesn't read the blog so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Some things I think I want to purchase or Acquire for this baby is a changing table, dresser, and possibly a high chair? We've just always done without what we don't absolutely need. I've never had these things with my two boys and think they would make it much easier than sitting on the floor to change bums. I will be changing PLENTY!
We just signed Carson up for wrestling he is so excited he's been asking all winter "When Wrestling?" They have a lot of tournaments and practices but he needs something to do since he didn't start school he's driving me nutty. Austin is moving his business into the garage so they are coming to insulate today so he doesn't have to freeze. We are praying that will stay consistent or get better :) Thats all for now stay tuned for next post of warm weather and fun!! Bon Voyage

1 comment:

Bowler Family said...

So excited for you to get away! I admit I am a little jealous LOL!!

Hope you get that baby girl! They are a lot of work, but I love having my little princess!!