Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Whole Hand

My boy is going to be the whole hand on Saturday five. He is so excited he has been asking me all week. How many more sleeps til my birthday? He planned out his whole birthday at the park with an Easter egg hunt, cake, and presents. Carson has been the greatest joy for us, he is so good. The whole time he was inside me I knew he was a boy and at the ultrasound the doc said "It's a girl" a couple of times after that I would ask her are you sure it's a girl and she would proceed to pull out the ultrasound pictures and show me Carson's ovaries. When Carson was born with a little extra something the doctor was more surprised than anyone, and I was just thinking now what am I going to do with all these girl clothes. Still today he continues to surprise us with his large vocabulary, and adult like comments. My most favorite comment he made was to my older brother Jeff. If you know Jeff he likes the Denver Broncos, One day he was wearing a Broncos hat and shirt, and he has a tattoo of the broncos on his calf. Carson must have observed all of these bronco heads and he looked up at Jeff and Said "Jeff why do you like Horse Power so much?" Carson could start school this fall, but I am going to wait another year cause he wants to be the oldest in his class. I also want him to have another year tho catch up in size. GREAT things come in small packages and that's my Carson.


Bowler Family said...

WOW, I can't believe you have a 5 year old?!?! He is cute, I hope he has a great Birthday!!

Kandice said...

I can't believe he is already 5!! I remember your girl baby shower and was so shocked when I saw your mom in Wal Mart and found out it was a boy. I hope he has a great birthday and hope the weather will be nice so he can have his Easter egg hunt and play at the park.

Hannah said...

He's adorable :)

Michelle W. Nate said...

Happy Birthday! He is such a cutie! We love him coming over. It gives Cameron a chance to enjoy friends.