Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just had to go in and look at some of the pictures of the floods happening in mississippi, mostly to make myself feel like my water problems are nothing compared to these people. Our water has been acting up since November and now there is none....... Sunday is the last day we had water? I don't know if you've ever had this problem but let me just tell ya with a 2 yr old and a 11 month old were going through wet wipes like CraZy!! Luckily we have Austin's Parent's Close by to go use there shower and Laundry, but that gets old QUICK!
Austin had figured out that we do have water, our pump is under fifty feet of water at the bottom of our well. Which is GOOD! Something is wrong with the pump that pumps the water to our house. SO we have to get a well driller out here to pull the pump up from 280 ft down into the earth to see what is wrong with it, at 90 bucks an hour. Good thing we've got all this rain so I can go get some money from my money tree for all this :) Somethings in life are so frustrating. When Austin came to me in Laramie and said I found some land to build our house on. IF I could have looked into the future and seen that we were going to have to spend a couple thousand dollars every five years to have water....... I would have said no!! Now were stuck cause we love our ward and neighbors, and I know it's not the prettiest when you drive by in a flash but we have grown to love the unique land we live on. Not that we wouldn't sell for the right price =) Ok I will get off my soap box now and go to bed.

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