Thursday, July 28, 2011

EGGS!!! & Bites

Most of my Carson came home from Redfish Lake, part of him is still in many mosquitos somewhere. He came home with 88 mosquito bites so who knows how many he got the entire month he was there. They didn't bother him though, he could have cared less. Hopefully he doesn't get west nile:/LOOK what I found in the coop today. EGGS! It was so unexpected we were just going to see if they were all in the coop to shut them in for the night and Austin opened the door and I saw the two bottom eggs sitting in the nest. There so tiny the top one is store bought. The day before Trace had let the chickens out and to get them all back in you just have to wait til night and they all come in to roost, well we forgot and the next morning Austin heard one squock so he went to the bedroom window to find a fox trying to catch him some breakfast. He ran outside (wearing nothing) and the fox dropped the chicken and ran away. HaHAHA now I call him the chicken whisperer :)


Kandice said...

Oh poor kid!! I would be going crazy with that many mosquito bites. So glad Austin chased the fox off, that would have been sad! Let me know when you want to do pictures and if you have any idea of where...

Michelle W. Nate said...

So awesome! I am still wishing I had some chickens. Just don't want to take care of them. :) I'll have to probably wait until next year and get some pointers from you.